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earlier) from afar. They served them a meal of frugal appearance, but which was so
nutritive that it seemed to fill all of them with happiness and youth.
Wheat, rye, honey syrup, corn, cocoa, walnut, kola nut, sopari bread, are what the
Hindustani Adepts give as a sign of alliance to the ir disciples. The honey, the non-
fermented must, a thousand juices and undescribable molasses constituted their dishes.
These were delicious dishes that not even Brillat Savarin had ever tasted, and that neither
Montino and Altimira would ever reach to comprehend.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
A certain fragrant liquor that was served in an agate cup, which was evoking memories of
the Holy Grail, placed this group of brethren into a mysterious and strange state in the
They were joyful, happy and filled with vigour and youth, capable of embarking without
any fear into the most terrible adventure.
It is relevant to say that this group explored Atlantis and knew all the mysteries of that
submerged continent.
I also knew two other marvelous Nymphs when I was navigating on a sail ship in the
Caribbean Sea.
They came to encounter us through the boisterous waves. They were of an incomparable
One of them, a delicate maiden, had the colour of violets. She was floating over the
waters, sometimes walking with a rhythmical and innocent step, sweetly approaching,
agile and simple. She was without anything of animal, yet, she had a lot of divinity. She
looked rather like an Indian female with bare feet.
The other one had the marvelous colour of coral. Within the cordial shape of her mouth, a
strawberry left its purplish red, and in the subtle delicate draw of that visage, her eyes
were shining.
The aurora was dawning upon the ocean, I saw them and when uttering the verb of light
they spoke to me. Then, very slowly, they approached the beach and rose upon the cliffy
I became a friend of these two marvelous Nymphs, and when I think in their powers and
in those changed ships of Aeneas, I then submerge myself into meditation and prayer.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
Truly, it is indispensable in this 1968-1969 Christmas Message to deeply study the
famous Rune Not.
Let us continue studying this matter of Karma. Listen to me beloved reader: One day, it
does not matter which one, Raphael Ruiz Ochoa and my insignificant person were
coming back from the picturesque city of Taxco, Guerrero, of the Republic of Mexico.
We were going to the Federal District (Capital of Mexico) in a ramshackle vehicle, which
due to the unbearable weight of years, was roaring frightfiully with tremendous noise and
To see this old and decrepit vehicle running was intriguing. Frequently, like something
Dantesque, it horrifyingly and dreadfully over-heated, and only my friend Raphael had
the patience to deal with it.
Once in a while, we were stopping in the shadow of some tree of the road in order to put
water in the vehicle and to cool it a bit.
This was a duty for my friend Raphael as I preferred to take advantage of those instants
in order to submerge myself into profound meditation.
I now remember something very interesting. While seated near the road, out of that
curious, very old vehicle I saw some insignificant ants which assiduously and diligently
were circulating everywhere.
Suddenly, I resolved to put order into my mind and to concentrate my attention
exclusively on one of them.
Afterwards, I passed into meditation and finally Ecstasy, Samadhi, or that which in Zen
Buddhism is denominated Satori came unto me.
What I experienced was extraordinary, marvelous, formidable. I could verify the existing
intimate relationship between the ant and that which Leibnitz named the Monad [Spirit].
Certainly, it becomes obvious to integrally comprehend that such a Directrix-Monad is
not incarnated or inserted inside the body of the ant. It is clear that this Monad lives out
of its physical body. However, it is connected to its dense vehicle by means of the silver
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
Such a cord is the thread of life, the septuple Antakarana of the Hindustani. It is
something magnetic and subtle, that has the power of extending or prolonging itself until
the Infinite.
Truly, such a Monad of that insignificant ant, which was observed in detail by me,
seemed to be a beautiful twelve year old girl. She was dressed with a white tunic and was
carrying over her shoulders a dark blue coloured cape.
Much has been spoken about Marguerite Gautier, but this girl was more ineffable and
beautiful. Her eyes were of an evocative beauty, her gestures like that of a Prophetess.
There was on her the sacred fragrance of the altar. Her innocent smile was like that of the
Mona Lisa, and with such lips that no one in heaven or earth would dare to kiss.
So, what is that which the girl said? Terrible things, she spoke to me about her Karma,
certainly very horrifying Karma. We conversed very carefully, inside the vehicle, she
entered in by herself and when seated, she invited me to conversation. I humbly seated
myself beside her,  We the ants said this Monad,  have been punished by the Lords of
Karma, and we suffer a lot.
Now it is opportune to remember the legends of the giant ants form Tibet, which are
referred to by Herodotus and Plinius (Herodotus, Historiam book XI. Plinius, Natural
History, book III).
Of course, oh God of mine!...it would be difficult on the first attempt to imagine Lucifer
as a bee, or the Titans as ants. But it is clear that these creatures also had their downfall.
This downfall in itself was of the same nature as the error committed by Adam.
Many centuries before the first Root-Race appeared upon the face of the earth, those
NON HUMAN creatures which today are named ants and bees were living on this world.
These creatures knew in depth good from evil and evil from good. Certainly, and in the
name of truth, I have to say that they were old souls. They had evolved greatly, but never
in life had they entered onto the path of the Revolution of the Consciousness..
It is obvious that evolution can never conduce anyone to the Intimate Self-Realization.
It is normal that every evolution is inevitably followed by an involution. Every rising is
followed by a setting, every ascension is followed by a descent.
These creatures came to renounce the idea of a superior knowledge and of the esoteric
circle of life. Thus, they established their faith on such gibberish as that of a Marxist-
Leninist type, similar to that of the Soviet Union.
Their way of understanding was undoubtedly more mistaken and graver than that of
Adam; therefore, the result is shown before the sight of the entire world.
Thus, this is what the ants and bees are, they are involutioning, retarded and regressive
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
These beings altered their own organism, they horrifyingly modified it, they made their
organism to retrocede in time, until reaching the present state which they are in.
Maeterlinck, when referring to the civilization of the termites he writes:
Their civilization, which is the most ancient amongst all, is the most curious, the most
intelligent, the most complex and in a certain way, the most logical and the one which is
the most adapted to the difficulties of existence among all the civilizations which have
appeared before our own civilization upon the globe. From many points of view, this
civilization, even when cruel, sinister and often repulsive, is superior to that of the bee, to
that of the common and current ant and to that of the human being.
Within the termite colony (or nest of white ants), the Communist Gods convert themselves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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