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bedroom door. She tried the handle and found it locked, so she returned
downstairs and wrote a note thanking Caroline and Larry for everything and
saying she would call later. They packed their things and left silently,
feeling like thieves in the night.
Larry did not go home that night. Not knowing the Joneses were gone,
he decided to stay at his little house for a couple days, hoping she might call
him and ask him to come home. When she didn t, he became angry and
decided not to phone her either. The third night, he went to a bar and
consumed far too many drinks and woke up in the morning with a woman
he did not know. He felt worse than at any time in his life, other than when
he d thought Caroline was gone forever. The woman resented having to
leave his bed and house hoping for an encore. He had been drunk, but she
only partially inebriated, and he had been a good fuck. Larry practically
pushed her out the door, as he could not stand to look at her, so disgusted he
was with himself.
As soon as she was gone, he drove to the big house on the hill, noting
that there were no cars but Caroline s anywhere. The critters were delighted
to see him, but he ignored them to run up the stairs, two at a time. The
bedroom door was locked, so he pounded and shouted at her until she finally
opened it.  What do you want? she asked, turning away from him and
heading back to bed.
 We need to talk, Caroline. He grabbed her arm, pulling her around to
face him.  Oh, my God, you are fading. No, please no. He wrapped his
arms around her and she moved to him, but only for a moment.
 You stink. You smell like stale sex. God, you disgust me! You come
from some bitch and want to be with me. Well, forget it, Charlie. I know
now just how important I am to you. Ten days since the baby, three days out
of this house, and you are already wallowing with some other woman. I
would rather be dead again than this. She shoved him backwards out the
door and locked it behind him.
 Open it, Caroline. Let me explain. You are right. I have no excuse. I
just got drunk and woke up this way. Honey, I love you. Please let me back
in. He kept knocking and begging her, until he had a sore throat and red
294 Beverly Sims
knuckles.  Alright, I will go shower and be back. Please unlock so we can at
least talk without my having to yell at you through the door.
He found some clean clothes still unfolded in a basket in the basement
and used one of the bathrooms to cleanse himself. When he returned to the
bedroom door, he could not get in.  Damn it, Caroline. I will break this
friggin door down if you don t let me in. She did not unlock it, so he made
good on his threat and kicked the double doors in. When he finally got
inside, she was in bed, facing the wall. He moved to the bed, lying down
with her, turning her over. He kissed her eyes, which she did not open, her
lips that remained unmoving.  Caroline, you are fading. I can t let you fade
away from me, out of my life. I love you. Please let me make love to you,
She lay still, unmoving, as he began to nuzzle her neck and move his
hands over her breasts. When he touched them, he felt the nipples wet from
milk meant for their child.  I know it is too soon, but let me love you the
best we can without intercourse. We can make love without that, darling,
and you will begin to mend again. When he pulled up her nightie, she
slapped him away.
 You should have thought of that before fucking whoever it was. Well,
if you want to pacify yourself with my body, go ahead. I am too weak to
fight you, but it will be one-sided sex. And we both know if I m not willing,
it will be useless in stopping my regression back to nothingness. So do what
you must, Larry. I ll just close my eyes while you satisfy yourself.
She did not move as he caressed her thigh and breasts, hoping that his
touch would make her respond, but it was useless. She might as well already
be gone, as lifeless as she felt to his hand and mouth.
 Please, Caroline, please. His eyes filled with tears that he shed
without embarrassment or shame.  Honey, I love you. Please forgive me.
She was still and silent. He rolled away and unabashedly cried, loud,
sobbing tears which made no apparent impression on her. He finally stopped
crying and just lay beside her, as unmoving as she was.
Caroline s House 295
Chapter 74
Later that night, the phone by the bed rang. Caroline picked it up as if to
answer but instead put it down, breaking the connection. She removed it
again, laying it on the beside table so anyone trying to phone again would
receive a busy signal. Larry watched her action but said nothing. When the
sun rose above the forest behind the house, he moved to kiss Caroline, but
she turned her head again. He had no idea what to do, but he must do
something. She was fainter this morning than she had been yesterday. He
would talk to Georgia, Doc, and maybe Sahara, too.
Downstairs in the kitchen, he found Georgia s note and only then
realized how quiet the house had become. He sighed, remembering the
laughter, the chaos, the wonderful place this had been only a couple of
weeks ago. He fed the animals and locked up as he left the house.
The parking lot at the Oceanside was full, as was usual any morning.
Doc s breakfasts were ample and delicious, better than any other place
around. Larry found an empty stool at the end of the counter by the kitchen,
poured himself a cup of coffee, and patted Georgia s ample shoulder as she
squeezed past him with arms laden with plates.  Be right back, she said.
 Larry, you look like hell. What s wrong? Never mind, I ll get you
something to eat, and then when it thins out in here, you can tell us what is
going on.
True to her word, she placed a full heaping, actually plate of food in
front of him, refreshed his coffee, and kissed his cheek as she returned to her
customers. When it got quiet, both she and Doc grabbed coffee and moved
to the far table by the windows, where Larry had moved to wait for them.
 Things have gone from bad to worse since you people left not that
your leaving had anything to do with it. Larry leaned his elbows on the
table and held his chin in his hands. His expression was so sad, Georgia felt
like crying.  Caroline never leaves her bed now and isn t even showering.
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She refuses to let me touch her and she is fading. Fading so fast, that I think
within a couple days she will be invisible again, and worse yet, she does not
Georgia asked,  What happened? She was depressed but seemed okay
the first few days after&  as if she could not bring herself to say the words.
Now Larry hung his head.  It is my fault. I was angry with her, went to
a bar, picked up some dame, and took her back to my house. In the morning,
I went to see Caroline, and of course she smelled sex on me. That was the
end. She is just going to die away, and I can t stop it. If she does, I will take
a swim like she did, because without her, I have no reason to live.
 Damn it, Larry, Doc spoke for the first time.  Don t even talk like [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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