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Stanford.' Fitzgerald said skeptically, ' down, miss.' Julia sat on the
edge of a chair, ready to get up and walk out. Fitzgerald was studying
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her. She had the Stanford deep gray eyes, but so did lots of other
people. ' claim you're Rosemary Nelson's daughter.' ' don't claim
anything. I am Rosemary Nelson's daughter.' ' where is your mother?' '
died a number of years ago.' ', I'm sorry to hear that.
Could you tell us about her?' ','Julia said. ' really would rather
not.'She stood up. ' want to get out of here.' ', we're trying to help
you,' Steve said. 291 She turned on him. ' you? My family doesn9t want
to see me. You want to turn me over to the police. I don't need that
kind of help.' She started toward the door. Steve said, '!
If you are who you say you are, you must have something that will prove
you're Harry Stanford9s daughter.' ' told you, I don't,' Julia said.
"My mother and I shut Harry Stanford out of our lives.' ' did. your
mother look liket Simon Fitzgerald asked. ' was beautiful,' Julia said.
Her voice softened. ' was the loveliest ...' She remembered something. '
have a picture of her.' She took a small gold heart shaped locket from
around her neck and handed it to Fitzgerald. He looked at her a moment,
then opened the locket. On one side was a picture of Harry Stanford, and
on the other side a picture of Rosemary Nelson. The inscription read TO
R.N. wrrh LOVE, H.s. The date was 1969. Simon Fitzgerald stared at the
locket for a long time. When he looked up, his voice was husky. ' owe
you an apology, my dear.' He turned to Steve.
"This is Julia Stanford."
Chapter Twenty-six.
Kendall had been unable to get the conversation with Peggy out of her
mind. Peggy seemed incapable of coping with the situation by herself
"Woody's trying hard. He really is ... Oh, I love him so much!' He needs
a lot of help, Kendall thought. I have to do something. He's my
brother., I must talk to him. Kendall went to find Clark. ' Mr. Woodrow
at homet ', ma'am. I believe he's in his room.' ' you.' She thought of
the scene at the table, with Peggy's bruised face. ' happened.?' '
bumped into a door ...'How couldshe haveput up with it all this time?
Kendall went upstairs and knocked on the door to Woody's room. There was
no answer. '?' She opened the door and stepped inside. A bitteralmond
smell permeated the room. Kendall stood there a moment, then moved
toward the bathroom. She could see Woody through the open door. He was
heating heroin on a pibce of aluminum foil. As it began to liquify and
evaporate, she watched Woody inhale 293 t the smoke from a rolled up
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straw he held in his mouth. Kendall stepped into the bathroom. ' ... T
He looked around and grinned. ', Sis!' He turned and inhaled deeply
again. ' God's sake! Stop thatv ', relax. You know what this is called?
Chasing the dragon. See the little dragon curling up in the smoke?' He
was smiling happily. ', please let me talk to you. ', Sis. What can I do
for you? I know it's not a money problem. We're billionaires! What are
you looking so depressed about? The sun is out, and it-s a beautiful
day!' His eyes were glistening. Kendall stood there looking at him,
filled with compassion. ', I had a talk with Peggy. She told me how
you got started on drugs at the hospital.' He nodded. '. Best thing that
ever happened to me.' '. It's the most terrible thing that ever happened
to you. Do you have any idea what you're doing with your li fet "Sure I
do. It's called living it up, Sis!' She took his hand and said,
earnestly, ' need help.' '? I don't need any help. I'm fine!' ', you
aren't. Listen to me, Woody. This is your life we're talking about, and
it's not only your life. Think of Peggy. For years you've put her
through a living hell, and she stood for it because she loves you 294 so
much destroyin-gyhoeur'sre ''vnelygdoetstrooydiong your life, you, re
something about this now, before it's too late. It's not important how
you got started on drugs. The important thing is that you get off them.'
Woody's smile faded. He looked into Kendall's eyes and started to say
something, then stopped. ' . '?" He licked his lips. ' ... I know you're
right. I want to stop. I've tried. God, how I've tried. But I can't.'
Cof course, you can,' she said fiercely.
"You can do it. We're going to beat this together. Peggy and I are
behind you. Who supplies you with heroin, Woody?' He stood there,
looking at her in astonishment. ' God! You don't know?' Kendall shook
her head. '.' 4peggy.
Chapter Twenty-seven.
Simon Fitzgerald looked at the gold locket for a long time. ' knew your
mother, Julia, and I liked her. She was wonderful with the Stanford
children, and they adored her.' ' adored them, too,' Julia said. ' used
to talk to me about them all the time.' ' happened to your mother was
terrible. You can't imagine what a scandal it created. Boston can be a
very small town. Harry Stanford behaved very badly. Your mother had no
choice bui to leave.' He shook his head. ' must have been very difficult
for the two of you.' ' had a hard time. The awful thing was that 1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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