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Maymon yelped and made a break for it, but Talos easily captured him. He spun the
lithe pirate around by the waist and shoved him through the still open door into their home,
landing a hard swat on Maymon s backside as he crossed the threshold.
A pained,  Gotta stop doing that, for bloody sakes! came from the swiftly retreating
148 Laura Baumbach
Talos slammed the dangling unit back into the wall with one hand and the door closed
on Maymon s frustrated sputtering. The massive hunter shook his head and turned back to
Marius.  Lucky the little shit didn t fry himself. He doesn t even know what electricity is.
Marius grinned in agreement, tipped his head toward the closed door and the cursing
man behind it and asked,  So what happens now?
Talos s expression softened, but his voice was full of deadly determination.  I m
keeping him.
 Good thing you ve got broad shoulders and a peacekeeper s patience. Marius teasingly
shuddered.  You re going to need them both for a lifetime with that one, brother.
Chuckling, Talos agreed.  The past few days put me wise to that. He raised the corner
of his mouth in a self-satisfied smirk and added,  I just wonder what you re going to use.
 Me? Marius stopped grinning and gave Talos a confused frown.  Why me?
Talos s smirk grew wider.  We ll be flopping here for awhile. He winked at the
startled commander and taunted,  A long while.
 May the gods give me strength. Marius closed his eyes and put his hand dramatically
over his heart, playing his part in the charade. He sighed, opened his eyes and went to walk
away, but turned around. A shy, embarrassed look of curiosity dominated his expression and
he hesitantly asked the hunter,  By the way, how did you know to call me in Jaclyn s room
Laughing out loud, Talos slapped the commander on the back, muttering,  Hell,
Marius, her scent is all over you. You couldn t hide the fact you two are hitting the sheets if
you tried.
The neat and formal commander fought a losing battle with a blush that spread up his
neck, past his high-collared uniform, all the way to his hair line.  You have such a romantic
way of putting it.
His friend patted Marius s back again in sympathy.  I call  em as I smell  em.
Suddenly intrigued, Marius stepped closer to Talos and haltingly asked,  What exactly
does she smell like to you? Cinnamon, sandalwood, fruit? There was an underlying note of
sexual tension in his voice.
Talos motioned the commander closer and dropped his voice to a confidential whisper
to reveal,  Way more exotic than that.
Latching onto the thrill of potentially learning an intimate secret about his lover,
Marius whispered back,  Really? What?
Checking to make sure no one was close enough to overhear in the hallway, Talos
dropped his voice to a low, sexy growl and said,  Disinfectant. He slapped Marius hard on
the back and added,  But top shelf, antibacterial disinfectant, the expensive stuff, before he
pulled back, grinning like a wild man.
Details of the Hunt 149
Eyes closed in humiliation, Marius simply shook his head, saying in a low defeated
tone,  I don t know why I even asked. He moved away from the triumphant Talos, ignoring
the muffled chuckles and delighted stare of the Oracan.
Glancing meaningfully at the door of the suite, Marius sighed and asked,  What are
you two going to do now?
 Ever been on a treasure hunt for pirate swag?
At Marius s surprised, speechless stare, Talos grinned, then spun on his heel to activate
his door. As it silently slipped opened, a small square pillow landed squarely in his face. He
caught the cushion before it fell to the floor.
Looking first at the pillow, then at Marius, and then into the destroyed room, Talos
bellowed,  You should have kept this pillow, runt. Because your crazy little pirate ass is
going to need it to sit on for the next week.
A defiant, challenging voice carried all the way out into the corridor claiming,  Gotta
catch me first, luv. And if you paid as much attention to me bow as you do me stern, I d be a
happier man.
Growling deep in his chest, Talos stormed into the room, the door sliding shut to the
sound of breaking furniture and sharp cursing in two different languages.
Marius stood staring at the door for a moment until something hard thudded against it
from the inside.  We ll be under a full military quarantine inside of a month. He heaved a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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