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of the advanced Black pawns. This is classic
King's Indian play by Svidler, who first
drains all the life out of White's attack and
then completely takes over the position.
Caruana is already struggling to find a way
to revive his initiative.
19.e5! was the best try, initiating
complications and keeping Black's
A very picturesque final position. 0:1.
advantage to a minimum: 19...Nd7 20.ed6
Touchdown !I hope you have enjoyed this
Rb8 21.de7 (21.Nf5 Kh8 22.Qd2 ed6 23.Nd6
series of games from the past year and that
Nb6 24.Nb6 Qd6 25.c5 Qf6; 21.Qd2 ed6
you will able to use them profitably in your
22.Nf5 Kh8 23.Nd6 Qg5! 24.c5 Ndf6)
teaching and training sessions.
21...Rb4 22.ed8Q Rd8.
19...Qc7 20.Qd2 Kh8 21.c5 Rb8 22.b3 Rg8
23.Rc3 e5!
FIDE Surveys  Andrew Martin 8 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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