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outdoorsy, to say the least, and it showed in their strong physiques
and the casual athleticism of their son. Her years in the sun had put
lines on Jennifer Randall s face as well as a tan that seemed to have
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Dee Tenorio
seeped down to the bone. She d never been unkind, not once, not
even after the breakup, but still, Miranda hadn t had the guts to face
the disappointment on the woman s face another time.
 Hello, Miranda. Jennifer walked on silent feet to the side of
the bed. Her eyes swept the area for cords, followed their path to the
monitor and its attendant screen. It stayed there for a few seconds,
as if Jennifer were apprising herself of the babies condition.  Is that
good or bad? she asked, pointing at the screen.
Miranda followed her finger to the scrolling bell curves,
however slight they d gotten. The nurse had tried to explain that the
curves were uterine contractions and that they were considerably
fewer and of less concern than when she d arrived. But no one
would tell her how bad that had been.
 Honestly, I have no idea. They aren t telling me much other
than I shouldn t move. Or get upset, she added, thinking of the
argument with Josh and how the nurse had rushed in with a shot
afterward that could have doubled for a six-shot espresso. Don t get
upset, but let me hype you up with something that feels like you just
jumped out of a plane. Yeah, that made sense.  No one s rushing in,
so I guess it s okay.
Jennifer nodded. A minute passed with nothing but silence.
Finally, the older woman cleared her throat and looked Miranda in
the eyes.  I I haven t been sure what to say to you since& 
Miranda nodded, her aching head throbbing a little at the
motion. Since the funeral, where Jennifer could hardly look her in
the eye.
 Since Danny broke up with you.
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Love Me Tomorrow
Miranda could only blink.  You you knew about that?
A small smile tilted Jennifer s lips, only adding to the list of
resemblances.  Danny and I were close. He knew I d keep it to
myself. I ve always wondered though, why you wanted everyone to
blame you.
Miranda looked down at her hands, her good one picking at the
raw edges of the cast.  People loved Danny. I didn t want them to
think less of him. Which was true, but not all of it. Her throat grew
tight and tears she never wanted to shed in front of this woman
stung her eyes.  And I guess I wanted some shred of pride for
myself. It s bad enough people think I m an idiot. Can you imagine
if I was suddenly  the woman no one wants ? It was selfish, but
Danny didn t mind.
 Oh, I ll just bet he didn t, Jennifer replied, her tone dry.
Miranda didn t like the way that sounded. As if Danny had
taken advantage when it was the other way around. So much of her
wanted to beg forgiveness of Jennifer, but even if she did, it wasn t
the other woman s to give. Pointless as it was, she still choked out
words that would have as little comfort as the endless platitudes
from town.  I never meant to hurt him.
 Oh, honey, I know. We all knew. Jennifer reached out, taking
Miranda s fingers away from the cast with a maternal pat.
 Especially Danny.
Miranda lifted her head so fast it made her vision blur.
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Dee Tenorio
Jennifer met her gaze, startled, but seemingly determined.
 Danny. He was never angry with you for what happened. He knew
exactly where the blame was.
With Josh, probably. Miranda s insides tightened at the thought
of Josh feeling responsible for Danny s lost dreams. He didn t
deserve that.  Mrs. Randall 
 That s why I came here. I heard what happened over the
 You have an emergency band scanner?
Jennifer s shrug said  of course for her. Miranda had one too,
but only because Danny furnished it so she d know they were all
right. Plain reason should have told her he d do the same for his
mother.  I came down as soon as you were cleared for visitors. I
couldn t put it off anymore.
 Put what off? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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