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 I went to try to help the Zyan and the Ganjan drive the Tatic away and to let my
rage at my family s capture and death tear through the Tatic there, the man went on,
oblivious to Merrick s minor distraction.  I arrived in time to see the wreck of where the
village had been and a child of no more than three, barely alive. I had to chase down and
capture her as one of the Tatic would have because she was so weak even a stun blast
would have killed her.
Merrick already knew who the Hiroke spoke of.  Dori.
 Yes. I took her as my adopted daughter to keep safe and to ensure no one would
try to take her from me for any reason. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, this
past pain not one he wanted to deal with as a whole just now. He lowered his hand as he
leveled a pointed gaze on the Zyan before him.  I don t know if you intend to tell Dori
about this Tark or not ...
 I intend to because I do believe she is in danger from him and I think Tark may
be her second in the mate hunt. And, by the gods, I will rip his heart out before I let him
get to her to even try that.
There were always at least two males per each female when it came to the pursuit
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of their mates. Either could mate with her, but she was usually drawn to only one. It made
for a fierce brawl between the two males to be the one to mate with her.
 You have Farin s strength--your brother must like that.
Merrick felt his insides fall to the floor in his shock and could only gape at the
Hiroke, who gave him an amused smile.  How ...?
 Your DNA in the blood work we did on you suggested a sibling relationship to
the young king. We heard of his condition and had hoped to help him with it by using the
same drug we used on Dori to save her. He accepted our offer after hearing how it helped
a fellow Zyan and visited our compound for the attempt.
 Were you able to help him? Merrick s shock eased at this knowledge enough he
found his voice again. His brother s mating demand had activated prematurely a few
years ago. An incident that increasingly endangered the king s life as it caused him
seizures in his psionics that attacked anything around him. And sometimes even within
himself, causing deep injuries.
 Unfortunately, we weren t. Dori s activated when she was still developing.
Farin s did too late as he was well past his teen years for us to aide him. Only taking a
mate will help to save him.
Merrick couldn t stop his smile.  As our mother insists at any chance granted
her. Which happened to be more times than Farin could stand Merrick had heard. The
man tried his best to find his mate, but she didn t appear to be anywhere in his kingdom
from what Farin could tell. And it was too dangerous for one as unstable in his psionics
as Farin to leave his home where his guards could keep watch over him.
 Farin visited here and Dori never met him? Merrick asked. It surprised him that
his brother, or even Farin s guards, wouldn t insist on meeting the one who had been
aided in their mating demand by the Hiroke. Or Dori to insist on meeting them upon
learning of their presence in how eager she was for it. It made him very curious about
why they had been unable to meet each other. His protective need to keep her from being
taken from him with that thought notwithstanding. It may have been his brother, but he
still had Dori s interest and it proved enough of a rivalry to unnerve Merrick at the same
 Dori was, unfortunately, very ill from an accidental overdose on her control
medications when an adjustment in it was made, Etherson explained.  I had her placed
in an isolation area to protect her immune system in case it collapsed from the overdose.
The room is basically mutes everything and they wouldn t have felt her presence, nor she
sense them. I explained it to the king and his men when they inquired about her and Farin
honored my insistence that she not be disturbed so that she could heal.
 I will have to let her meet him then if he made such a personal request.
 She knows vaguely that we tried to help Farin, but not that he visited here or
asked to see her. The girl has a dangerous temper and I didn t wish to inspire the tantrum
it would bring when she learned of a chance meeting of a Zyan had been taken from her
due to her medications.
Merrick just chuckled. All of the Feral-born females had such tempers. It came
from their hot-blooded parent race s fierce natures.
Behind Etherson s desk, Merrick noticed a mosaic of a woman with two young
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ones, a male and a female. His family? Why would Dori have put this up behind the
 Yes, that is my wife and children.
The Zyan looked back to Etherson, surprised by the male s notice, even as he
continued to work on one of the many files on his desk.  Why did she place it there? he
 I asked her to place it where they could watch over me and force me to turn
away from my work to spend time with them.
Merrick looked at the mosaic, then back to Etherson.  She s very talented.
The Hiroke smiled.  I fully believe she intends to mosaic the whole of my
compound. His smile deepened.  And if you see any here attempting to dismantle any of
them, feel free to sling them down the corridor.
Merrick gave a hoot of laughter, unexpected as this was from the Hiroke leader. It
sounded as if Etherson was very proud of his little artist.  I shall.
 She explained to me her family, rather her pride-clan, honored the gods with
their creations and I would rather not bring their wrath down on any here, especially her.
The Zyan nodded, pleased Etherson respected the Feral-borns cultures this much.
 Which is her first?
 This one. She began it as a gift to me for saving her life and to give me the
family I lost after seeing a picture of them and asking about them. I ve been told she
crafted an image of Qirath somewhere since he is her family s patron god.
Merrick s pride-clan had a similar  decoration for the God of War and Warriors,
but a carving instead of a mosaic. Except for Tark s stupidity, the god had kept true
danger from assailing the whole of his people. He hoped the god had blessed this place as
 Exactly how dangerous is Tark? Etherson asked, changing subjects only
because of his increasing anxiety over his adopted daughter s safety.
 He s still learning his talents, but is kin to Jareth and Blayne by connected
bloodlines and inherited the telekinesis allowing for him to teleport short distances.
 So he can enter the compound from outside scanner range without our
knowledge? Lovely.
 I will sense him.
 Unless you re distracted. And, my boy, I m sorry to say, you have a major one.
 That, I can t help, but Tark is after me and will focus on getting to me--
 With or without endangering everyone here?
A low growl was his only warning that he treaded very dangerously in his
questions. Etherson ignored it, knowing Dori s safety was on the line and refused to be
 If I could guarantee your safety and that of Dori, I would, but that s impossible.
It s a risk that must be taken. There is no way around it. If I leave here and he finds a way
to kill me, you will never be able to keep him from capturing Dori. He can plant [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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